
I have been gardening since 2007 and have expanded my variety of herbs and veg each year. This 2010 season will bring lots of new smells and taste into my garden, home, and hopefully bring lots of surprises for my friends and neighbors who appreciate fresh garden goodies!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Welcome to the Busgang's Backyard Gardening Blog

Each year since 2007, I have tried to grow stuff....
I do not know why I find it enjoyable, I just do.
This year will be especially satisfying, I have added more varieties and more space to my garden, including an expansion of my drip irrigation system which waters all the plants in my garden (when it does not rain every day as it has been)

In this attempt at a blog, I will try to include a posting for each type of herb or vegetable that I am growing, discussing the uses of each plant, as well as recipes and personal tricks I use to grow them.

Here is the list of plants I have planted for the 2010 growing season:


Basil Plants - 2 Sweet Basil, 10 Bush Basil, 2 Purple Basil, 2 Purple Bush Basil, 3 Thai Siam Basil, 1 African Blue Basil, 1 Greek Basil...a few more that I am forgeting.

Sage Plants - 1 Standard Sage, 1 Purple Sage, 1 Gloden Sage, 1 Pineapple Sage (delicious smell!)

Others - 2 Vietnamese Coriander, 2 Chevril, 2 Dill, 2 Curry, 2 Parsley ( it came back from last year), 1 Oregano (Huge!), 1 Marjoram, 2 Lemon Thyme, 5 Rosemary, 6 Horseradish root.

Tomatoes - 12 Pink Girls, 1 Spring Set, 2 Big Beef, 1 Sweet Orange, 12 Sweet 100's, 1 Yellow Plum

Various other Veg - 12 Romaine Lettuce - it's already ready, and I can plant some new one!
- 10 Head lettuce, Onions, Leeks, Garlic, 8 Kirby Pickle plants, 12 Celery, Nasturtium - I can't wait to add it to my salad!

Mint - Peppermint, Spearmint, Applemint.

Pepper selection - 2 Habaneros, 4 Cayenne Pepper, 4 Chile Pepper, 12 Cherry Bombs, 2 Hungarian Pepper, 2 Jalapeno, 2 sweet green pepper.

Let me interrupt the pepper section to report that an animal has been eating my pepper plants, regardless of the chicken wire that I attempted to install around them...I will be needing to re-plants new ones this week and re-inforce the chicken wire enclosure.

I am also attempting to grow some Pepper Squash in a container, although from my neighbors experience with Butternut squash which took over half his backyard, I might need to limit the growth of these squash...

Please send any suggestions for new plants and herbs that I could grow, I have a mix of sun and lots of shade in the backyard. Hope you enjoy reading about the success or failure of my produce. I will be pleased to share any of it with you, just let me know!


  1. Can't wait for a delicious salad from your backyard garden. Just tell me when to be there!!!

  2. Have you thought about trying to get your squash plant to grow vertical? A tomato cage might help it out a bit & the plants usually are able to handle their fruit being off the ground.

    Check out some techniques in Mel Bartholomew's "All New Square Foot Gardening". I grow my yellow zukers this way & it keeps them rather tame & safe from the lawn mower...
