
I have been gardening since 2007 and have expanded my variety of herbs and veg each year. This 2010 season will bring lots of new smells and taste into my garden, home, and hopefully bring lots of surprises for my friends and neighbors who appreciate fresh garden goodies!

Monday, August 23, 2010

July heat, and August rains

July had some extremely HOT and humid days and August started and is continuing to be one of the RAINIEST in many years.

Unfortunately, not to much activity on the gardening front.

I have collected lots of chilli peppers, hungarian peppers, but very few cherry bombs (4) of which I was excitingly planting many plants, some got eaten in early summer by a rascal of sorts, the others didn'y grow well.

My Habanero plants which were reduced to stems by the same critter have come back somewhat and got very bushy...I finally see some fruit under the small leaves.

Tomotoes are still green and few and far between. I will be attempting to feed them a little more this week...a strange year for the tomatoes.

On the good side are my pickle plants!!! I have collected 30 odd pickles and have enjoyed a great recipe of sweet and spicy pickles which I sliced lengthwise like a sandwhich stacker

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